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venerdì 7 gennaio 2011

La sposa

Avendo lo scanner fuori uso, non posso postare nulla di recente dal mio taccuino, e così vi presento "la sposa" ,una femmina di Falco vespertinus, realizzata a tempera su carta, la scorsa primavera per la maglietta di un progetto Life, e la sequenza di caccia a matita.

My scanner is K.O. I can't post any new painting from my sketchbook...then let me present you "The bride" a female of Falco vespertinus, guache on paper, and the chase sequence, pencil on paper; I paint this to make a t-shirt for a Life project.

5 commenti:

  1. Wonderful falcon. It must be related to our Americal Kestral.

  2. Ciao Luby! Felice anche io di averti ospite!
    Thanks Elva, yes F. vespertinus (red-footed falcon) it's a smaller falcon like a short-tailed Kestrel. Often I observed it perching on telegraph wires and posts, and catching insect in air (for exemple dragonflies or grasshoppers).

  3. Cool illustrations in your blog. Beautiful work.
    Fran A.H. Alvarado

  4. Thank you Fran, this it's a great compliment for me!
